Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hw 2

Barcharts of the distribution of water on Earth Around 97 % of water is found in the ocean.  Only three percent of water is  freshwater.  Glaciers and icecaps are about 69 percent of fresh water which is locked up and mainly found in Antarctica. Fresh water can also be found on the ground below.

Water needs to be accessible which means easy to obtain.  Many places still  lack adequate water supply which  is a global issue and has been one of the greatest failures of modern development.

Potable Water is safe drinking water for humans.

One estimate of global water distribution
Water sourceWater volume, in cubic milesWater volume, in cubic kilometersPercent of
Percent of
total water
Oceans, Seas, & Bays321,000,0001,338,000,000--96.5
Ice caps, Glaciers, & Permanent Snow5,773,00024,064,00068.61.74
Ground water5,614,00023,400,000--1.7
Soil Moisture3,95916,5000.050.001
Ground Ice & Permafrost71,970300,0000.860.022
Swamp Water2,75211,4700.030.0008
Biological Water2691,1200.0030.0001
Source: Igor Shiklomanov's chapter "World fresh water resources" in Peter H. Gleick (editor), 1993, Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources (Oxford University Press, New York).

  Contaminated Water   Where is contaminated water? Contaminated Water can be found any where. Water that has been treated can become contaminated if exposed to acid rain, storm runoff, pesticides and wasted.   Contaminated Water can cause health affects many are chronic which means it has a long lasting effect.

Where in the world are good and accessible soils for agriculture? Wetlands
Wetlands can provide an adequate habitat for many plants and animals.Wetlands can be drained and used for agricultural purposes. They can also be used for residential and commercial development.  The reason wetlands make great agricultural fields " because of  their  productive soils ,high water table and flat topography." Farming equipment is also great when used on wetlands.   http://www.soil.ncsu.edu/publications/Soilfacts/AG-439-26/ .... learn more

Who's crowded Top 10 crowded cities
1.Shanghai ,China  2. Mumbai ,India 3. Beijing , China 4.Sao Paulo, Brazil  5. Seoul, Korea
6. Moscow Russia, 7. Dehli, India, 8. Chonsging , China, 9. Istanbul, Turkey 10. Karachi , Pakistan   
Top 10 crowded  US cities
1. NewYork-New York  2. Los Angeles, California  3. Illinois, Chicago  4. Houston , Texas  5. Philadephia , Pennsylvania   6. Phoenix, Arizona  7. San Antonio, Texas 8. San Diego  9. Dallas, Texas 10. San Jose, California  

Where are tribal groups? Tribal Groups are located all over the world.  Did you know Brazil has over 100 tribal groups. Despite the fast pace lifestyles that many people belive about Brazillians they have many tribal groups.
It is hard to pinpoint what coutries have the greatest amont of ethnic diversity. Many countries that have great diversity are usually one's that have high populations.  The United States, China , Canada and Indina are fast growing coutries that have a wide variety of ethnicity.  However some cities in these countries do not have a wide range of diversity.

Coutries that have the least amont of ethnic diversity are places like Korea. Korea is a hard country to enter  which is why it lacks ethnic diversity. 

Human Population

"Go Forth And Multiply!" That's what the human population has successfully been doing for thousands and thousands of years, expanding, exploring, migrating, conquering, utilizing, evolving, civilizing, industrializing, and now, destroying the very land upon which we live.
"Many feel (as has been the case throughout history) that the major international wars to be fought in the future will continue to be over natural resources. Power conflicts and self-interest will perhaps mean that there will be gross violation of basic rights and death or misery for millions of innocent people. Throughout history, most wars have had trade and resources at their core (leading to ideological battles) fueled by imperialistic motives. In the future, while this pattern is likely to continue, as resources get depleted and wasted in these wars (hot and cold), additional conflicts and contention will arise through access to even more limited resources."http://www.globalissues.org/issue/198/human-population

People all over the world are living longer than ever the  average age being 70 years of life. Since the average age is risen so are chronic diseases. Which means the quality of life is being depleted with chronic conditions.
There are 6 billion people in the world and some scienctist consider this number to be high and over populated for the world.  Recently , studies have shown that over population is not the issue it is simply the way we choose to live.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Global Issues Hw 1

Focus Area: Eastern Europe

Discussion:  Child health and pollution in Eastern Europe are some topics we could discuss.